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Birthmarks are coloured marks on the skin that are present at birth or develop shortly after birth. They can be many different sizes, shapes, and colors, including brown, tan, black, blue or blue-gray, pink, white, red, or purple. Some birthmarks appear on the surface of the skin, some are raised above the surface of the skin, and some are located under the skin. Most are harmless and disappear without treatment, but some may need to be treated.. Many birthmarks change, grow, shrink, or disappear.


The underlying reason why birthmarks form is unknown. Some birthmarks are hereditary and run in families, but most aren’t. Very occasionally, some are caused by gene mutations.


  • Flat, red or pink areas of skin
  • Raised red lumps
  • Red, purple or dark marks
  • Flat, light or dark brown patches
  • Blue-gray spots
  • Brown or black moles


Birthmarks are common and usually harmless. But some may require treatment for cosmetic reasons or because of rapid growth.
Treatment Options
  • Medications – to reduce blood flow to the birthmark, which can slow down its growth and make it lighter in color
  • Laser therapy – where heat and light are used to make the birthmark smaller and lighter
  • Surgery – to remove the birthmark (but it can leave scarring)


Can birthmarks go away naturally?
Birthmarks can be flat or raised, have regular or irregular borders, and have different shades of coloring from brown, tan, black, or pale blue to pink, red, or purple. Most birthmarks are harmless and many even go away on their own or shrink over time.
When should I worry about birthmarks?
Usually birthmarks are only a concern for your appearance. But certain types can increase your risk of skin cancer. If your birthmark bleeds, hurts, itches, or becomes infected, call your dermatologist.
Why a dermatologist should examine your baby’s birthmark
One thing that most birthmarks have in common is that they’re harmless. Yet, if you see a birthmark on your child’s skin, it’s wise to have a dermatologist examine it.
Do birthmark removal creams work?
Creams do not work for birthmarks. You will need a formal consultation with a cosmetic dermatologist with experience to determine what is best.
Do birthmarks change color?
Pigmented birthmarks might increase in size as the child grows, change colors (especially after sun exposure and during the teen years as hormone levels change), become itchy, and might occasionally bleed.

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