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Chemical Peel Vs Facial? Why to opt for chemical peels?

Having a beautiful, glowing skin falls under everybody’s checklist. Thorough beauty routines, investing in skincare products, and undergoing various dermatological and cosmetic procedures have become a common norm. In a country like Nepal, where pollution and other factors naturally take a big toll on the skin – chemical peel has emerged as an effective solution that everybody is running after. In western countries, this remedy is already very popularized. It’s no wonder that its benefits are being noticed in Nepal as well and also chemical peel is better than a regular facial.

Along with its popularity, the chemical peel has also attracted many myths. Many people seem to confuse it as being equivalent to facials. When in fact, the differences are drastic- from their results, the time required, to the effectiveness.  Since facials have been popularized and require a good investment, there is a general assumption that it is a magical treatment and can do wonders for the skin. However, a hefty price tag doesn’t mean its effectiveness or safety is guaranteed.In this article, we break down how a chemical peel is better than a regular parlor facial, and help you choose the best!

What is a facial?

Facials are designed to clean only the outer layer of your skin. The results obtained are short-lasting, surficial, and have no proven effect. They are not effective for deep rejuvenation or revitalization of the skin. They also do not help in treating skin conditions like melasma, breakouts, scars, wrinkles, or spots.

What is a chemical peel?

A chemical peel is a sophisticated technique used to improve the appearance of the skin on the face, neck or hands. It is a popular method which exfoliates and removes the dead skin cells.  The main advantage of a chemical peel is that it goes deeper than the outer level of the skin, and improves the skin from the inside.

Chemical peels enable your body to recreate new skin at a faster rate than usual. The new skin formation technique also promotes the skin to become more toned and firm. These can dramatically reduce the appearance of the fine lines and wrinkles that you see on your face. The new, regenerated skin is smoother, clearer, and less wrinkled than the old skin.

According to the type of your skin, chemical peels can be of different types. A skincare professional will identify the skin type and suggest the best type for maximum results. Due to the differences in these peels, they are generally effective for most skin types and ages.

Differences between a facial and chemical peel

Now that we know what these are, let’s see how chemical peels are better than facials.

  1. Medical Consultation: A chemical peel is done by a certified professional who checks your skin type and condition before doing the process. This makes the process a lot safer. It also ensures that you get the maximum benefits out of the process, and get the best effect for your type of skin. However, before a parlor facial, no specific medical counsel is provided. Therefore, the associated skin risks are higher.
  2. Results: Facials are temporary fixes for topical problems on the skin, and have no effect on improving the skin. Chemical peels, on the other hand, offer a wide range of benefits against:
  • Dull/tired-looking skin
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Acne
  • Hyper-pigmentation or dark spots
  • Age Spots
  • Blemishes
  • Sunspots
  • Melasma
  • Anti-aging
  1. Effects: Facials are designed to work on only the outer layer of the skin. Parlor facials do not have any medically approved results.  Whereas, chemical peels work from cellular layers of the skin to revive it from within. It has been identified and promoted by doctors all over the world.
  2. Time: Parlor facials have results that short-lasting, and require an appointment every week/fifteen days. Whereas, chemical peels provide results that stay for a much longer time. Depending upon the type, the results can stay from anywhere between a few months to years. A light chemical peel generally lasts from 1 to 2 months. It is also called a glycolic peel. After a few sessions get over, you can schedule maintenance or “lunchtime” peels only as needed. A medium peel is stronger than a light one. It can last for a year or more.

Phenol chemical peels are the deepest kind of chemical peel. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, it can sometimes last as long as 20 years and have quite dramatic result.

In a nutshell, Chemical peels are better than a regular facial, a much more effective and safer solution to solve all kinds of skin-related concerns. In order to obtain long-lasting results from deeper layers, and get a youthful, glowing, and radiant skin, chemical peels are the way to go!

What are your thoughts on chemical peels and facials? Let us know in the comment section below!

Elara offers quality skin and hair care treatments, including chemical peels for all skin types and ages. Book an appointment now, and get flawless skin today!

Why is winter the best time for Laser?

Many people have unwanted hair. It’s common on the upper lip, chin, cheeks, back, legs, fingers, feet, and toes. Thankfully, due to technology to the technology, we can now choose to get rid of them in the most convenient way. Laser hair removal has become very popular among people of all genders and ages. Since it removes hair from the root itself, resulting in a smooth finish. It also lasts the longest! When done from an expert, it can be a cost-effective, pain-free and safe procedure.

Many people have unwanted hair. It’s common on the upper lip, chin, cheeks, back, legs, fingers, feet, and toes. Thankfully, due to technology to the technology, we can now choose to get rid of them in the most convenient way. Laser hair removal has become very popular among people of all genders and ages. Since it removes hair from the root itself, resulting in a smooth finish. It also lasts the longest! When done from an expert, it can be a cost-effective, pain-free and safe procedure.

Why is winter the best time for Laser?

  1. Skin can be prevented from sun exposure: Minimizing skin exposure to the sun is essential both before and after laser treatment. Pre-treatment, tanning is not advised to increase the accuracy of the treatment. It is generally advised that you avoid the sun at least two to four weeks before the process. During the winters, we are naturally protected from the sun, so the task is already almost complete.The skin also tends to become a little more sensitive than usual after the laser removal. Staying away from direct sunlight for long periods of time is essential. Otherwise, there could be chances of hyperpigmentation or spotting.
  2. It is easier to avoid Perspiration and Swimming pools: Although Laser hair removal can be performed all year round, there are certain reasons that make winters more practical and easier.  Skin is slightly more sensitive after the treatment, it is strongly advised to stay from chemicals, like the ones found in swimming pools or spa treatments. If you’re a pool person it would definitely be a better idea to do lasers in winter than say no to your favorite activity. It is also best to keep yourself away from excessive sweat to increase the effectiveness of the treatment, which is much easier in winter than in summer when just stepping out in the sun can leave you drenched.
  3. You can stay covered up in the winters: Once you have received the treatment, the hair can take up to two weeks to fall out completely. And you cannot choose other hair fall removal methods during the process like waxing or shaving.  Since you are naturally covered during the winters, there’s a lot less to worry about.
  4. By the time summer comes, you will be completely hair-free: The best results take patience. It is the same with laser hair removal. Laser hair removal targets active hair follicles only. However, our body hair keeps growing in phases or cycles. To ensure that all hair is removed permanently, it might take a few sessions to target all hair in each stage. This is usually stretched out in intervals of a few months. Generally, permanent results can be seen after a series of three to six laser hair removal treatments, with each session spaced four to six weeks apart. This way, you will be completely hair-free by the time summer comes and enjoy relaxing times for the rest of your summers after.  
  5. Process before hair removal is easier in the winters: To perform laser hair removal, some hair is required on the surface to begin with. Shaving one to two days prior to the laser hair removal is advisable, as shaving leaves little hair above the skin surface which can be easily targeted by the laser. This also means that laser hair removal cannot be performed in w waxed skin or skin where other methods like depilatory cream have been used. To avoid this from abrupting our day to day activities, since we generally tend to skip hair removal in winters, this season is much more convenient. 

Laser Hair removal is a comfortable and safe process of hair removal that yields the best results. Although the treatment can be performed all year round, winter is the favorite of a favorite time of many because it is much easier and practical that way! Elara uses the most advanced laser technology in the world yet, which is 3x more powerful and 5X faster. To get the best laser hair removal in Nepal and enjoy hair-free days, do contact us.

Get Summer Ready with Laser Hair Removal

Body hair is completely natural. It’s common on the upper lip, chin, cheeks, back, legs, fingers, feet, and toes. As much as accepting the body hair is all okay, getting rid of them is generally preferred for hygiene, aesthetic, and comfort reasons. And we resort to different methods including shaving, waxing, epilators, and laser.

But the problem comes because of all the hassles involved in removing hair.  Shaving, waxing, or any other option of removing hair every other week/month is nobody’s favorite. If you want to get rid of unwanted body hair in a quick, easy process- laser treatments are the perfect option for you. This process has become incredibly common all over the world, but laser hair removal in Nepal is not as common as many people still tend to have some doubts about it.

Before we help you clear all your doubts and get into why laser hair removal is the best process for hair removal, let us understand how the process works.

Laser Hair Removal in Nepal

Laser Hair removal process is not a new one. It has been followed by celebrities and foreigners for a long period of time. However, in Nepal, it has gained immense popularity lately. Laser Hair Removal in Nepal is becoming increasingly famous because the quality of treatments as well as the advancement in technologies has been growing rapidly. It is crucial to find and contact a good clinic for treatment. If you go to a certified clinic, you will get the best treatments that can be compared to the world’s leading clinics. Furthermore, the cost of Laser Hair removal in Nepal is also affordable.  In fact, many foreigners choose to get laser treatment in Nepal due to the pricing factor. Due to factors like these, medical tourism has been burgeoning for the country.

How does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Most hair removal processes work by removing hair only from the surface. But laser hair removal gets rid of them by destroying it from the roots. In this process, the skin is exposed to pulses of laser light that targets and eliminates hair follicles. This process also limits the hair’s ability to grow back. The laser identifies hair by the hair pigment, making the process highly accurate and safe.

First, an experienced doctor will conduct some tests on you to understand your hair and skin type. After assessing that, your treatment will begin with the best kind of laser for your skin. Depending on the skin and hair type, laser treatments are completed in several sessions stretched under six months to help you achieve that smooth skin permanently. Laser Hair removal reduces hair growth drastically to the point that you can stop shaving/waxing altogether.

Why Choose Laser Hair Removal?

Laser Treatment is the favorite of many people all over the world and with good reason. Here are the five top reasons why you should look forward to laser hair removal if you are not already!

1. The Laser Treatments are very precise:

Do you know that difficult area around your ankles that is very difficult to reach while shaving? Or how only after you’ve waxed you realize that you’ve missed an area? Well, all those problems are solved with laser hair removal.  The efficiency of the technique yields a smooth finish without any missed spots.

2. The results are permanent:

As shown in the diagram, Laser hair removal can be the most effective hair removal alternative. It removes hair from the root itself resulting in a smooth finish. Since the process also eliminates the chances of hair growing back, the results are permanent. There will be no more stubble or ingrown hairs. And 95% to 100% of the targeted hair will be gone in approximately 6 months of multiple sessions.

3. Laser hair removal works on all parts of the body:

You can get it done anywhere on the body, and the machine can cover large places fast. Legs, back, underarms, bikini line, stomach, face…There is no limit to the places you can get laser hair removal. With the advancement in technology, these treatments have also become very precise- making it much safer! Cases of negative reactions/rashes, etc are also rare when plenty of assessments have been carried out beforehand, and the process is done with expertise.

4. The treatments are comfortable:

It’s a common myth that Laser hair removals are painful and uncomfortable. But that’s not the case. Lasers don’t hurt. Numbing cream can also be applied to make the process even more comfortable. The treatment sessions are also quick and you don’t need to separate large sections of your time just for this.

5. It saves time and Money:

In this fast-paced world; other methods of laser hair removal are becoming less and less viable. Going to Parlour every month is a huge waste of time. Shaving every day- even more so. With the permanent hair removal through Laser Hair Removal, you are doing a huge favor to your busy schedule and wallet!

Cost of Laser Hair Removal in Nepal

As mentioned earlier, Nepal is an affordable destination for Laser Hair Removal. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, an average laser hair removal session per person in the US is in the range of 285$ and plus. The costs are somewhat on a similar or even slightly higher range in other Western or European countries. If you opt for a well-known or reputed clinic, the costs can go even greater. However, in Nepal, the price difference is drastic. The Laser Hair Removal cost is 3 to 4 times lesser in Nepal, ranging from 40$ to 80$ per session (Approx. NRs. 4000 TO NRs. 8000) per session. You can also get package deals in many places, where for around 50,000 you get all the treatment sessions until required.

It’s important to know that these figures are only approximate. To know the exact costs of laser hair removal for you, you need to contact the clinic. This is because the costs vary widely. Some of the factors that determine total Laser Hair Removal Cost in Nepal:

  • Size of the treatment area 
  • Number of treatments required
  • Quality of the Laser Machine and other Equipment
  • Whether a doctor or someone else is performing the procedure
  • Quality of results and Experience

Is Laser Hair Removal an affordable option?

Many of us are used to traditional methods of hair removal. There are plenty of options to do so as well. Epilators, razors, threading, waxing, depilatory creams, sugaring, and many more. Since we are so used to these methods, we end up thinking that Laser Hair Removal is a very expensive option. That is just a misunderstanding.

These days, parlor sessions are very expensive. A full body waxing session can go from 1000-4000, even higher in some parlors. The cost gets added every month or fifteen days for most of us. When looking at the long term, this process is an investment. Also, think about all the time and hassles that you will probably be saving.

It is easy to get misguided that any cosmetic treatment can be extremely expensive but so is not the case for Laser removals. It is truly a boon, considering how efficient it is, how easy it is, and how little it costs compared to all the benefits it provides.

Ask for a consultation to get a better idea of the cost for your particular case. At Elara, we provide free consultation as well as a free patch test so that you get the best value for your price.  

Why Laser Hair Removal at Elara?

1. World’s most powerful laser technology yet:

Elara is all about giving the best value. We use the best and most powerful technology in the world, which is 3X more powerful and 5X faster. Some of the key features that make it so distinct are:

  1. Large spot size: Our lasers use a wide beam which allows the removal of multiple hair follicles at the same time. The technology covers larger areas that make the process much faster.
  2. Virtually painless: Only mild pain is experienced if any.
  3. Suitable for all hair and skin types, including tanned skin and fine hair.

2. Triple Diode Laser:

The three wavelengths which are involved in the laser that we use are:

  1. Alexandrite laser: For light and fine color hair
  2. Diode laser: For thick black  hair types
  3. Nd: YAG Laser: works for darker skin types as well.

This feature of our laser technology makes it most efficient and even unique all over Nepal.

3. Experienced and Friendly Staff:

At Elara, we provide you with a luxurious experience that will make you feel like you’re getting a treat. Laser hair removal has become popular because of its speed and efficacy. However, the results are also dependent upon the skill and experience of the laser operator, and the availability of different laser technologies used for the procedure.

4. Free Patch Test and Consultation:

Elara understands that skin is the most sensitive part of your body and you will have your fair share of hesitations before going through this process. To ensure your safety and satisfaction, we provide a free consultation and also do a free patch test. This is to determine the best options for you. And also to mitigate, if any, risks that are involved.

5. Proven Results:

Whatever we do, we strive on doing the best. Our group of past clients can testify to the quality of results and service that we deliver. They have achieved the best results and we can provide you written / video testimonials as proof of that. 

Laser Hair Removal Myths vs Facts

Hair growth in different parts of the body is a natural phenomenon. It can however also become a great inconvenience. Over hundreds of years, people have chosen to get rid of hair for several reasons- hygiene, aesthetics, and comfort. People often go to a great extent of pain and discomfort for hair removal with methods like sugaring, waxing, shaving, and threading. Thankfully, those days are over and now you can get the benefit of the Holy Grail in the beauty world- laser hair removal in Nepal!

One day you are looking in the mirror thinking of what to do with the unwanted body hair in your body. After several months, you’re standing in front of the same mirror running your hands through smooth beautiful hairless skin, and realize that it is going to be that way forever. Sounds like a miracle, right? Actually, it’s not magic, just science. That’s the beauty of Laser Hair Removal. It is a skilled, unique, and life-transforming process.

Laser Hair Removal in Nepal

Nepal is widely known for having affordable and quality laser hair removal clinics. However, there are only a handful of reliable and good clinics. It is important to do proper research so that you get the best results out of the cost you put in the treatment. 

Different techniques of removing hair have been prevalent for centuries now.  But the way these techniques work are completely different. Laser removal techniques have evolved and become extremely advanced and safe. Due to lack of proper awareness, and often misinformation, a lot of myths have stayed intact in the society about this wonderful process. Let’s break these myths, one by one.

Laser Hair Removal Myths & Facts

1.    Myth: The procedure is Painful

Fact: It only gives a slight tingling sensation. 

Many people are scared to try Laser Hair removal because they think that this is a very painful procedure. However, that is not true at all. Most patients describe it as a slight tingling sensation on the body. Depending on your skin type, numbing creams are often used to mitigate any chances of pain during the process. Moreover, compared to painful processes like waxing and sugaring, laser hair removal feels extremely painless.

2.    Myth: Laser hair removal works well only for fair skin

Fact: It works equally well for brown/tanned skin too.

Traditionally, laser hair removal worked only on fair skin. The reason is that laser removal worked by targeting the hair roots and destroying them. With the outdated technique, the laser would not precisely target the roots due to the presence of melanin (found in brown/tanned skin). It would be difficult for the laser to differentiate between the dark skin and hair. However, with the advancement in technology, the precision and accuracy of laser machines have increased exponentially providing amazing results on all types of skin.

3.    Myth: Getting rid of hair permanently takes up to years of treatment.

Fact: Only a few sessions are required for laser hair removal.

The best results take patience, but you don’t need to wait for years with laser hair removal. Laser hair removal targets active hair follicles only. However, our body hair keeps growing in phases or cycles. To ensure that all hair is removed permanently, it might take a few sessions to target all hair in each stage.

This is usually stretched out in intervals of a few months. Generally, permanent results can be seen after a series of three to six laser hair removal treatments, with each session spaced four to six weeks apart. This way, you will be completely hair-free by the end of the sessions and enjoy relaxing times for the rest of your time after that.  

4.    Myth: Laser hair removal is very expensive

Fact: It is the most cost effective in the long run

There are a lot of temporary hair removal options available in the market today- shaving, waxing, epilators, etc. Considering all the options, which includes a razor that can be brought in the market for as much as fifteen rupees, there is a common myth: Laser hair removal is expensive!

However when we look at the long term, laser hair removal is the most cost-effective. It not only provides permanent hair removal, but is also extremely safe. Moreover, all the hassles and money spent on going to parlour every two weeks/ shaving every other day- all that time is also saved. And as we know very well, time is money!

5.    Myth: The procedure is not safe at all

Fact: Laser Hair Removal is absolutely safe with minimum side effects

As long as you get the treatment done from a reputed, certified clinic, this process should not worry you at all. You should always look for an FDA approved Laser hair removal system. Moreover, you should opt for a certified dermatologist as well. Skin is the most sensitive part of the body, and laser hair removals have been designed considering all the safety in mind. There might be minimum side-effects like redness or itching right after the treatment, but these are all temporary.

The procedure is carried out only after determining your skin type. The dermatologist will generally give you a personalised consultation, and precautions to follow before and after the procedure so that you get the best out of the treatment. At Folliderm, you can get a free patch test done so that you are satisfied with the results and do the hair removal tension-free!

6.    Myth: Laser hair removal actually causes more hair to grow.

Fact: Laser Hair Removal gets rid of all hair permanently.

The other methods of hair removal like shaving, threading, and waxing remove hair only from the surface. Due to this, the quality and quantity of hair growing back on you can vary according to the process you used and the way you used them. However, it is not the same with Lasers. Laser targets hair roots and destroys them completely. Therefore, the hair removal is permanent.

7.    Myth: You can’t get laser hair removal treatments during the summer.

Fact: This treatment can be performed all year round.

People generally get rid of hair to be free of hassles and wear clothes according to their wishes in the summer. So, the time from October to April is also known as the laser hair removal season. You can read more on why winter is preferable here:

However, this doesn’t mean that you need to wait for a whole season to get laser hair removal done. You just need to avoid sun exposure before and after the treatment. You need to take one thing very seriously: don’t lie out in the sun or get a tan within 72 hours of your laser hair removal treatment. With a consultation from the dermatologist, you can get the proper dos and don’ts, so you can get the dream results no matter the season.

8.    Myth: Laser Hair Removal is only for women

Fact: It is for both women and men.

An increasing number of men have started getting laser hair removals. Because why not? It’s so easy to get done, it’s affordable, and it comes with amazing results. Many do it for aesthetic reasons, but many men prefer to do it for good hygiene as well.  Laser hair removal is a treatment that is not secluded to any gender, any skin type, or colour. Since this process does not require extreme medication, there won’t be any adverse side effects in either of them.

9.    Myth: Laser Hair Removal in Nepal is not a good option

Fact: There are excellent options in Nepal. 

The doctors are also competent and skilled. Now, the latest technology and advanced lasers are also available in Nepal. The prices are also great compared to other places around the world. With good research, laser removal in Nepal can actually be the best there is! You just need to find the good clinics.

These were some Myths about Laser Hair Removal!

Were you holding back your appointment believing in any of these myths? Now that these are busted, go ahead and get yourself a skin to love from the best hair, lasers and skin clinic in Nepal.

Folliderm also provides a free appointment and patch test before doing the laser hair removal. We invite you to our clinic to see our quality for yourself and get the skin of your dreams without any doubts and hesitations! Visit our website to know more.

Laser Hair Removal in Nepal

Body hair is completely natural. It’s common on the upper lip, chin, cheeks, back, legs, fingers, feet, and toes. As much as accepting the body hair is all okay, getting rid of them is generally preferred for hygiene, aesthetic, and comfort reasons. And we resort to different methods including shaving, waxing, epilators, and laser.

But the problem comes because of all the hassles involved in removing hair.  Shaving, waxing, or any other option of removing hair every other week/month is nobody’s favorite. If you want to get rid of unwanted body hair in a quick, easy process- laser treatments are the perfect option for you. This process has become incredibly common all over the world, but laser hair removal in Nepal is not as common as many people still tend to have some doubts about it.

Before we help you clear all your doubts and get into why laser hair removal is the best process for hair removal, let us understand how the process works.

Laser Hair Removal in Nepal

Laser Hair removal process is not a new one. It has been followed by celebrities and foreigners for a long period of time. However, in Nepal, it has gained immense popularity lately. Laser Hair Removal in Nepal is becoming increasingly famous because the quality of treatments as well as the advancement in technologies has been growing rapidly. It is crucial to find and contact a good clinic for treatment. If you go to a certified clinic, you will get the best treatments that can be compared to the world’s leading clinics. Furthermore, the cost of Laser Hair removal in Nepal is also affordable.  In fact, many foreigners choose to get laser treatment in Nepal due to the pricing factor. Due to factors like these, medical tourism has been burgeoning for the country.

How does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Most hair removal processes work by removing hair only from the surface. But laser hair removal gets rid of them by destroying it from the roots. In this process, the skin is exposed to pulses of laser light that targets and eliminates hair follicles. This process also limits the hair’s ability to grow back. The laser identifies hair by the hair pigment, making the process highly accurate and safe.

First, an experienced doctor will conduct some tests on you to understand your hair and skin type. After assessing that, your treatment will begin with the best kind of laser for your skin. Depending on the skin and hair type, laser treatments are completed in several sessions stretched under six months to help you achieve that smooth skin permanently. Laser Hair removal reduces hair growth drastically to the point that you can stop shaving/waxing altogether.

Why Choose Laser Hair Removal?

Laser Treatment is the favorite of many people all over the world and with good reason. Here are the five top reasons why you should look forward to laser hair removal if you are not already!

1.The Laser Treatments are very precise:

Do you know that difficult area around your ankles that is very difficult to reach while shaving? Or how only after you’ve waxed you realize that you’ve missed an area? Well, all those problems are solved with laser hair removal.  The efficiency of the technique yields a smooth finish without any missed spots.

2. The results are permanent:

As shown in the diagram, Laser hair removal can be the most effective hair removal alternative. It removes hair from the root itself resulting in a smooth finish. Since the process also eliminates the chances of hair growing back, the results are permanent. There will be no more stubble or ingrown hairs. And 95% to 100% of the targeted hair will be gone in approximately 6 months of multiple sessions.

3. Laser hair removal works on all parts of the body:

You can get it done anywhere on the body, and the machine can cover large places fast. Legs, back, underarms, bikini line, stomach, face…There is no limit to the places you can get laser hair removal. With the advancement in technology, these treatments have also become very precise- making it much safer! Cases of negative reactions/rashes, etc are also rare when plenty of assessments have been carried out beforehand, and the process is done with expertise.

4. The treatments are comfortable:

It’s a common myth that Laser hair removals are painful and uncomfortable. But that’s not the case. Lasers don’t hurt. Numbing cream can also be applied to make the process even more comfortable. The treatment sessions are also quick and you don’t need to separate large sections of your time just for this.

5. It saves time and Money:

In this fast-paced world; other methods of laser hair removal are becoming less and less viable. Going to Parlour every month is a huge waste of time. Shaving every day- even more so. With the permanent hair removal through Laser Hair Removal, you are doing a huge favor to your busy schedule and wallet!

Is Laser Hair Removal an affordable option?

Many of us are used to traditional methods of hair removal. There are plenty of options to do so as well. Epilators, razors, threading, waxing, depilatory creams, sugaring, and many more. Since we are so used to these methods, we end up thinking that Laser Hair Removal is a very expensive option. That is just a misunderstanding.

 These days, parlor sessions are very expensive. A full body waxing session can go from 1000-4000, even higher in some parlors. The cost gets added every month or fifteen days for most of us. When looking at the long term, this process is an investment. Also, think about all the time and hassles that you will probably be saving.

It is easy to get misguided that any cosmetic treatment can be extremely expensive but so is not the case for Laser removals. It is truly a boon, considering how efficient it is, how easy it is, and how little it costs compared to all the benefits it provides.

Ask for a consultation to get a better idea of the cost for your particular case. At Folliderm, we provide free consultation as well as a free patch test so that you get the best value for your price.  

Why Laser Hair Removal at Folliderm?

1. World’s most powerful laser technology yet:

Folliderm is all about giving the best value. We use the best and most powerful technology in the world, which is 3X more powerful and 5X faster. Some of the key features that make it so distinct are:

  1. Large spot size: Our lasers use a wide beam which allows the removal of multiple hair follicles at the same time. The technology covers larger areas that make the process much faster.
  2. Virtually painless: Only mild pain is experienced if any.
  3. Suitable for all hair and skin types, including tanned skin and fine hair.
2. Triple Diode Laser:

The three wavelengths which are involved in the laser that we use are:

  1. Alexandrite laser: For light and fine color hair
  2. Diode laser: For thick black  hair types
  3. Nd: YAG Laser: works for darker skin types as well.

This feature of our laser technology makes it most efficient and even unique all over Nepal.

3. Experienced and Friendly Staff:

At Folliderm, we provide you with a luxurious experience that will make you feel like you’re getting a treat. Laser hair removal has become popular because of its speed and efficacy. However, the results are also dependent upon the skill and experience of the laser operator, and the availability of different laser technologies used for the procedure.

4. Free Patch Test and Consultation:

Folliderm understands that skin is the most sensitive part of your body and you will have your fair share of hesitations before going through this process. To ensure your safety and satisfaction, we provide a free consultation and also do a free patch test. This is to determine the best options for you. And also to mitigate, if any, risks that are involved.

5. Proven Results:

Whatever we do, we strive on doing the best. Our group of past clients can testify to the quality of results and service that we deliver. They have achieved the best results and we can provide you written / video testimonials as proof of that.